Federal Act on Stock Exchanges and Securities Trading (Stock Exchange Act, SESTA)
Ordinance on Stock Exchanges and Securities Trading (Stock Exchange Ordinance, SESTO)
Ordinance of the Financial Market Supervisory Authority on the Stock Exchange (Stock Exchange Ordinance of the FINMA, SESTO-FINMA)
Ordinance of the Takeover Board on Public Takeover Offers (Takeover Ordinance, TOO)
Circulars of the Takeover Board
- Circulars of the Takeover Board currently in force
- TOB Circular No. 1: Buyback programmes (unofficial translation by the Takeover Board), as of 27.06.2013 (pdf)
- TOB-Circular No. 2: Liquidity in the context of Takeover Law (unofficial translation by the Takeover Board), as of 26.02.2010 (pdf)
- TOB-Circular No. 3: Examination of Public Takeover Offers (unofficial translation by the Takeover Board), as of 26.06.2014 (pdf)
- Abrogated circulars and communications of the Takeover Board
- TOB-Circular No. 1: Buyback programmes (unofficial translation by the Takeover Board), as of 07.03.2013 (pdf)
- TOB-Circular No. 1: Buyback programmes (unofficial translation by the Takeover Board), as of 26.02.2010 (pdf)
- TOB-Circular No. 3: Examination of Public Takeover Offers (unofficial translation by the Takeover Board), as of 25.06.2010 (pdf)
- TOB-Circular No. 4: Voluntary public exchange offers (unofficial translation by the Takeover Board), as of 22.03.2010 (pdf)
- Communication no. 1 - The buyback of own shares (unofficial translation by the Takeover Board), as of 01.01.2009 (pdf)
- Communication no. 2 - Liquidity (unofficial translation by the Takeover Board), as of 01.01.2009 (pdf)
- Communication no. 3 - Cancellation of "outstanding equity securities" after a public takeover offer (unofficial translation by the Takeover Board), as of 21.07.1997 (Link)
- Communication no. 4 - Voluntary public exchange offers (unofficial translation by the Takeover Board), as of 09.02.2009 (pdf)